Monday, January 27, 2020
Production of Single Cell Protein
Production of Single Cell Protein ABSTRACT The possibility of using Koji making fermentor for, Arachniotus citrinus and Candida utilis, single cell protein (SCP) production was investigated. The MBP was produced from deoiled rice bran in 300 Kg Koji making fermentor after optimize fermentation conditions in 250 ml flasks by solid state fermentation. The A. citrinus supported maximum values of substrate to water ratio (1:2), 0.05% MgSO4.7H2O, 0.075% CaCl2. 2H2O, 0.25% KH2PO4, C:N (12:1), 1ml molasses (10% solution), 0.6 ml yeast sludge, and 2 ml corn steep liquor while 2ml molasses (10% solution) and 0.25g urea for C. utilis for maximum crude protein productivity. The SCP in the 300 Kg Koji making fermentor contained crude protein, true protein, protein gain, ether extract, ash, crude fiber, and RNA content of 30.13 %, 23.74 %, 2.97 %, 14.71 %, 6.77 %, 3.383% respectively. The dried SCP showed a gross energy value of 3675 Kcal/kg and contained increase the levels of all essential and non-essential amino acids. The results sugg est that A. citrinus and C. utilis cultures can be used for the production of SCP without extensive modification in Koji making fermentor on large scale solid state fermentation. Keywords: Solid state fermentation; Rice bran; single cell protein; Arachniotus citrinus; Candida utilis; Koji making fermentor 1. Introduction A growing alarm for the severe food scarcity for the worlds increasing population has led to the utilization of non-conventional food sources as potential alternatives. Developing countries like Pakistan urgently need to increase livestock and poultry production to enhance meat, milk and egg supplies to meet protein requirement of increasing population. In Pakistan, poultry industry has played a main responsibility in providing animal protein (in the form of eggs and meat) to common man. But feed industry is facing massive shortage of both plant and animal based feed ingredients. These are the main constraints in the development of poultry industry. (Rajoka et al., 2006) One possible alternative is to ferment cheap non-conventional agro-industrial by-products to produce single cell protein (SCP). These residues through fermentation will reduce the pollution as well as provide a potential source of carbon and energy for production of SCP which is an economical, quite comparable to animal protein and potential supplemental protein source. The SCP can replace costly conventional protein sources like soybean meal and fishmeal for feeding poultry, livestock and humans (Singh et al., 1991; Pacheco et al., 1997, Anupama and P. Ravindera., 2000). Solid state fermentation (SSF) refers to the cultivation of microorganisms (mainly fungi) on a solid medium, with a moisture content that ensures growth and metabolism of microorganisms [5]. (Del Bianchi et al., 2001). In SSF, the solid material acts as physical support and source of different nutrients. SSF systems offer several economical and practical advantages such as: higher product concentration, improved product recovery, very simple cultivation equipment, reduced waste water output, lower capital investment and lower plant operation costs (Muniswaran et al., 1994). In SSF of agro-industrial byproducts can be increase their nutritional chemical composition, example, by increasing protein content [6,7]. (Rudravaram et al., 2006; Ravinder et al., 2003), improve the phenolic content and antioxidant potential of fermented foods by using different microorganisms. (Lin et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2008, Lee et al., 2008, Randhir et al., 2004, Lateef et al., 2008; Bhanja et al. (2008 ). The yeast Candida utilis has been frequently used in SCP production because of its ease of isolation, can grew very well at room temperature, ability to utilize a variety of carbon sources such as rice polishings (Rajoka et al., 2006), potato starch waste waters (GÃ ©linas and Barrette, 2007), salad oil manufacturing wastewater (Zheng et al., 2005) and molasses (Nigam and Vogel, 1991), to support high protein yield, its minimal energy requirements and. It has been used for production of several industrial products both for human and animal consumption (Zayed and Mostafa, 1992; Pacheco et al., 1997; Kondo et al., 1997; Otero et al., 1998, Adoki, 2002). It has also been used as a host to produce several chemicals, such as glutathione (Liang et al., 2008), monellin (Kondo et al., 1997) and ethyl acetate (Christen et al., 1999). Mycelia tips of fungi easily penetrate in hard substrate and produce much higher amount of the SCP as compared to submerged fermentation.6 A novel native fungal strain, Arachniotus citrinus is a white rot mesophillic fungus and has been used for the SCP on small scale by using different agro industrial wastes.7 [Shaukat et al., 2006] Previous studies of Arachniotus citrinus also proved that it has effective cellulases, glucoamylase producer in waste bread medium. strong resistance profile of from A. citrinus against proteases was observed. Jabbar et al., 2004; However, there is no literature reported to optimize the culture conditions for A. citrinus and C. utilis in rice bran on large scale by using Koji making fermentor for its reutilization in poultry rations and its biological evaluation in chickens. The main goal is to develop an optimal process on large scale SCP for rice bran with high protein content for poultry and livestock feed industry. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Rice bran Rice bran was obtained from National Feed Industries, Lahore, Pakistan. It was then sealed in polyethylene bags and stored at 4Ã °C for further use. 2.2. Determination of different components in rice bran The proximate analysis of rice bran was conducted to estimate its nutritive composition by following the methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC,1994). Triplicate samples of rice bran were analyzed for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, total ash, nitrogen free extract and cellulose contents. 2.3. Organism Arachniotus citrinus and Candida utilis (a gift from the National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan) were obtained. Both microorganisms were maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) slants at 4Ã °C and regular shifting on the PDA slant at the interval of 15 days to keep them viable. Both Arachniotus citrinus and Candida utilis were used to prepare seed culture by transferring a loopful of cells to 200 ml seed culture medium in a 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The medium for Arachniotus citrinus was containing (g/L) rice bran, 20; CaCl2. 2H2O, 0.025; MgSO4.7H2O, 0.025; KH2PO4, 2; Urea 18.9 and grown at 35Ã °C with pH 4 while the medium for C. utilis was containing (g L-1) KH2PO4,5.0; (NH4)2SO4, 5.0; CaCl2, 0.13; MgSO4, 0.5; yeast extract, 0.5 and grown at 35Ã °C with pH 6 on an orbital shaker (150 rpm for 24 h). 13,14 2.3.1. Effect of moisture content on Arachniotus citrinus SCP production Factors such as moisture content, ionic concentrations of MgSO4.7H2O, CaCl2 .2H2O, KH2PO4 , carbon to nitrogen ration(C:N), molasses (10% solution), yeast sludge, and corn steep liquor for Arachniotus citrinus and molasses (10% solution) and urea for C. utilis affecting the SCP production were standardized by adopting the search technique by varying one factor at a time. The optimized parameter of one experiment was followed for succeeding experiments. In the first experiment, the effect of moisture content (ranging from substrate to water ratios of 1:2, 1:1, 1.5:1, and 2:1) on fungal SCP production, 5 g of rice bran was steamed, inoculated and incubated for 3 days at 35 Ã °C for the optimization of water content. All media were adjusted to pH 4.0 with 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl. A portion of SCP was used for the estimation of crude protein and true protein by following the methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 1994). The protein gain in the fermented rice bran was calculated according to Equation 1, while, the correction factors of 5.7 for rice bran and of 6.25 for fermented biomass calculations. Protein Gain %=[(NF-NF0) X6.25] X100 (NF0X5.7) Where NF = nitrogen content in fermented rice bran on as such basis, NF0= nitrogen content in unfermented bran. The moisture content favoring maximum fungal SCP production was followed for subsequent experiments. 2.3.2. Effect of ionic concentration on fungal SCP To find out the influence of different ionic concentrations of MgSO4.7H2O, CaCl2 .2H2O and KH2PO4 on A. citrinus SCP production, SSF was carried out for 3 days at 35Ã °C with pH 4 at ionic concentrations of MgSO4.7H2O (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.1%), CaCl2 .2H2O (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.1%) and KH2PO4 (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 %). The ionic concentrations giving high amount of SCP were taken as an optimum and applied for subsequent evaluation. All other chemicals were of analytical grade. 2.3.3. Effect of molasses The effect of different levels of 10% molasses (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ml) on fungal SCP was also evaluated by conducting experiments for incubation period of 3 days at 35Ã °C with pH 4. The other parameters were kept at their optimum levels. 2.3.4. Effect of yeast sludge Experiments were conducted to find out the effect of various concentrations of yeast sludge on SCP production of A. citrinus by conducting SSF on sterilized 5g rice bran in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask for 3 days at 35Ã °C with pH 4. Optimum levels of all the other derived parameters were used. The yeast sludge giving maximum SCP production was determined as an optimum level of yeast sludge. 2.4. Effect of corn steep liquor The effect of various concentrations of corn steep liquor (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 ml) on fungal SCP was also evaluated by conducting experiments at 35Ã °C with pH 4 for incubation period of 3 days. The other parameters were kept at their optimum levels. Corn steep liquor was obtained(a gift) from the Rafhan Maize Products (Pvt) Ltd, Faisalabad. 2.5. Effect of various concentrations of molasses and urea on Candida utilis SCP production To demonstrate the influence of various concentrations of 10% molasses (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 ml), and urea (0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3g) on yeast SCP production, experiments were conducted on 5g sterilized rice bran with C. utilis for 3 days at 35Ã °C with the pH of 6.0. The media were adjusted to pH 6.0 with 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl. 2.6 Large scale single cell protein production by solid state fermentation The optimum conditions determined for SCP production by SSF of A. citrinus and C. utilis (in 250ml Erlenmeyer flask) were extended to ferment 300 kg rice bran in a Koji making fermentor (Fujiwara Techno- Art Co. Ltd, Japan) for the production of SCP(Fig 1). A simple SSF process was followed. Major components of the rotary bed koji maker are a round bed with a perforated bottom plate for up-flow aeration; a set of adjustable speed mixer for plowing up rice bran during SSF; a set of screw for sterilized substrate feed-in and SCP discharge, an air sterilizer and a humidifier. Temperature and humidity sensors are inserted for monitoring and control the temperature and humidity, respectively. pH was monitored frequently by using pH meter. There was some modification (the Koji bed was covered with cheesecloth) for large scale SCP production of A. citrinus and C. utilis in a more hygienic and controllable conditions with mechanized koji making facilities. The SCP product obtained on large s cale was analyzed after drying at 70 Ã °C in a hot air oven (AOAC Methods, 1994) and RNA content was analyzed as described previously (Pacheco et al., 1997; Rajoka et al., 2006). 2.6.2. Gross energy It was determined by Parr oxygen method using Parr oxygen bomb calorimeter. The calorific value was calculated from the heat generated by the combustion of known weight of the sample in the presence of 20 atmospheric pressure of oxygen reaction. 3. Results and Discussion Rice bran is a by-product of the rice milling industry and used in animal feed, in fertilizer and by the cosmetics industry. It has a high nutritive value and serves as a valuable feed for cattle, poultry, and pigs. The protein content (10-15 %) of rice bran supply almost the same amount of protein as wheat and oats and even its protein is of considerably better quality than maize. The chemical composition of rice bran used in this experiment for SCP protein contain moisture content 2.50%, crude protein 13.50%, crude fat 3.01%, crude fiber 11.82%, ash content 11.40%, carbon content 40.35% and cellulose 9.70%. Because of the high nutrient contents, it was selected as a potential alternative substrate for the production of SCP by using A. citrinus and C. utilis. The primary objectives of this study were to evaluate the potential of A. citrinus for SSF by using rice bran and production of fungal and yeast C. utilis biomass protein on large scale. Maximum microbial biomass protein from A . citrinus was obtained at optimal temperature 35 Ã °C, pH 4 and incubation time 3 d while for C. utilis optimal temperature 35 Ã °C, pH 6 and incubation time 3 d were selected (data not shown). 3.1. Effect of moisture content Solid-state fermentation is a well adopted method for cultivating fungi on agro-industrial wastes. It offers benefits for production of numerous enzymes and various chemicals. Solid-state fermentation has lower energy requirements, smaller effluent volumes, higher productivity, simple and easy operation of solid state fermentors. SSF is significantly affected by different factors such as selection of a proper strain, substrate and other processing parameters for fermentation such as moisture content, temperature, pH, incubation period, ionic concentrations of different anions and cations, different sources of carbon and nitrogen etc. In this study, different levels of moisture content were used to determine the optimum level of water to obtain maximum yield of fungal A. citrinus SCP. The results of our study indicated that the maximum level of SCP production (in terms of crude protein %) was observed at substrate to water ratio of 1:2 by using fungal A. citrinus in SSF. A significant decrease (p< 0.05) in SCP production was observed at 1:1(2.24%), 1.5:1(16.39%) and 2:1(23.57%) as compared to 1:1. A similar trend was observed in true protein% and protein gain%. The maximum level of true protein% was observed at 1:2 while it was decreased at 1:1(1.15%), 1.5:1(15.78%) and 2:1(23.19%) as compared to 1:1. The highest protein gain % was observed at 1:2 while it was decreased at 1:1(5.08%), 1.5:1(37.27%) and 2:1(53.66%) as compared to 1:1. It was already reported that at 6% moisture (w/v) corn stover had increased the microbial biomass protein production by sequential culture fermentation with Arachniotus sp., at pH 4, 35 Ã °C for 72 h and then followed by C. utilis fermentation at pH 6, 35 Ã °C for 72 h (Ahmad et al., 2010). Zambare., (2010) found that Aspergillus oryzae had increased the glucoamylase enzyme production at 100% (v/w) initial moisture by using different agro-industrial wastes of SSF. Sharma and Satyanarayana., 2012 found the highest production of a pectinase enzyme of Bacillus pumilus dcsr1 at moisture ratio of 1 : 2.5 by using different agro-residues in SSF. Generally low moisture content has been reported for maximum fungal growth, more utilization of substrate and significant advantage is lowering the risk of bacterial species contamination. This variation in moisture content might be due to differences in fermenting fungal specie, and substrate. The reduction in SCP production at 1:1 of moisture content might be due to non-availability of nutrients due to lower moisture content and of lower water activity that affected the microbial activities because of limitation in the nutrient solubilization, lower degree of substrate swelling and decrease in diffusion of gas to the cell during fermentation (Nagadi and Correria, 1992; Ellaiah et al., 2004). Even higher concentrations of moisture also affected the microbial enzymes metabolic activities as a result of substrate stickiness, less porous nature of substrate and very limited oxygen transfer during the process of SSF in fermentor (Kumar et al., 2003; Pandey et al., 2000). Effect of different ionic concentrations of MgSO4.7H2O, CaCl2 .2H2O, and KH2PO4 on SCP production All the required metallic elements Mg, Ca and K can be supplied in the form of the cations of inorganic salts and they are normally required in relatively large amounts. Significant variation (p< 0.05) of SCP production was observed at different concentrations of MgSO4.7H2O. Maximum production was observed at 0.05%MgSO4.7H2O. Beyond 0.05%MgSO4.7H2O, the production of SCP was significantly lower. Concentrations above 0.05%MgSO4.7H2O also reduce the biomass production indicating the optimum level of MgSO4.7H2O for SCP production for A. citrinus was 0.05%. A significant difference (p< 0.05) in SCP production (on crude protein% basis) was observed at control 0.0% (1.43%), 0.025% (0.24%) 0.075% (4.46%) and 0.10% (5.28%) as compared to 0.05% MgSO4.7H2O. When we compared supplementation of different levels of MgSO4.7H2O for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 0.025% (1.20%) and 0.05% (1.45%) while there were decreased at 0.075% (3.07%) and 0.10% (3.91%) as compared to control 0.0% MgSO4.7H2O. The maximum levels of true protein% were observed at 0.025% and 0.05%. The average value of TP% was 17.08 Ã ± 0.06. When we compared with the highest value of TP% with different levels of MgSO4.7H2O, it was found that the TP% was lower at 0.0% (1.87%) while it was decreased at 0.05% (0.23%), 0.075% (4.85%) and 0.1% (9.76%) of MgSO4.7H2O. When we compared the effect of different levels of MgSO4.7H2O on true protein%, we found that there were increased in TP% at 0.025% (1.37%) and 0.05% (1.66%) while there were decreased at 0.075% (3.03%) and 0.10% (8.04%) as compared to control 0.0% MgSO4.7H2O. The highest protein gain% was observed at 0.05% MgSO4.7H2O 88.46 Ã ± 0.11 while it was lower at 0.0% (3.91%), 0.025% (0.55%) and decreased at 0.075% (10.0%) and 0.10% (21.02%) as compared to 0.05% MgSO4.7H2O. When we compared the influence of different inclusion levels of MgSO4.7H2O on protein gain%, we found that there were increased in PG% at 0.025% (2.69%) and 0.05% (3.26%) while there were decreased at 0.075% (7.06%) and 0.10% (18.44%) as compared to control 0.0% MgSO4.7H2O. Production of A. citrinus biomass protein was greatly influenced by different levels of CaCl2.2H2O. A significant increase in SCP production was observed in SSF by increasing the initial levels of CaCl2.2H2O from 0.025% to 0.075%. Maximum production of SCP was observed at 0.075% CaCl2.2H2O (24.66% Ã ± 0.00). However, at 0.10% CaCl2.2H2O SCP production was decreased significantly (Table. 3). Significant variation (p< 0.05) in SCP production (on crude protein% basis) was observed at control 0.0% (1.01%), 0.025% (0.64%) 0.05% (0.28%) and 0.1% (1.45%) as compared to 0.075% CaCl2.2H2O. When we compared supplementation of different levels of CaCl2.2H2O for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 0.025% (0.36%), 0.05% (0.73%) and 0.075% (1.02%) while there was decreased at 0.10% (0.45%) as compared to control 0.0% CaCl2.2H2O. The maximum levels of true protein% were observed at 0.05% and 0.075% (average value 17.26 Ã ± 0.01). When we compared the highest value of TP% with other levels of CaCl2.2H2O, it was found that the TP% was lower at 0.0% (1.01%), 0.025% (0.64%) and 0.05% (0.28%) while it was decreased at 0.01% (1.45%) of CaCl2.2H2O. However, when we compared the effect of different levels of CaCl2.2H2O on true protein%, we found that there were increased in TP% at 0.025% (0.35%), 0.05% (0.93%) and 0.075% (1.22%) while there was decreased at 0.10% (0.05%) as compared to control 0.0% CaCl2.2H2O. The highest protein gain% was observed at 0.075% (90.69% Ã ± 0.05) CaCl2.2H2O while it was lower at 0.0% (2.28%), 0.025% (1.43%) and 0.05% (0.61%) and decreased at 0.10% (3.21%) as compared to 0.075% CaCl2.2H2O. When we compared the influence of different inclusion levels of CaCl2.2H2O on protein gain%, we found that there were increased in PG% at 0.025% (0.86%), 0.05% (1.70%) and 0.075% (2.33%) while there was decreased at 0.10% (0.95%) as compared to control 0.0% CaCl2.2H2O. The maximum level of fungal SCP production was observed at 0.25% KH2PO4 level. A significant increase (p< 0.05) was observed in SCP production from 0.05-0.25% KH2PO4 after SSF of rice bran with A. citrinus. Significant variations (p< 0.05) in the SCP production was observed at 0.0% (15.29%), 0.05% (14.30%), 0.10% (11.55%), 0.15% (7.35%) and 0.20% (2.68%) as compared to maximum increase production of SSP at 0.25% KH2PO4. When we compared supplementation of different levels of KH2PO4 for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 0.05% (1.17%), 0.10% (4.42%), 0.15% (9.37%), 0.20% (14.89%) and 0.25% (18.06%) as compared to control 0.0% KH2PO4. A similar trend was observed in true protein% and protein gain%. The maximum level of true protein% was observed at 0.25% KH2PO4 (20.39% Ã ± 0.02). The true protein% of different levels of KH2PO4 were observed at 0.0% (15.49%), 0.05% (14.46%), 0.10% (11.47%), 0.15% (7.55%) and 0.20% (2.79%) as compared to 0.25%. However, when we compared the effect of different levels of KH2PO4 on true protein%, we found that there were increased in TP% at 0.05% (1.21%), 0.10% (4.75%), 0.15% (9.40%), 0.20% (15.03%) and 0.25% (18.34%) as compared to control 0.0% KH2PO4. The highest protein gain% was observed at 0.25% (126.69% Ã ± 0.17). The protein gain% of different levels of KH2PO4 were observed at 0.0% (28.57%), 0.05% (26.71%), 0.10% (21.58%), 0.15% (13.75%) and 0.20% (5.00%) as compared to 0.25% KH2PO4. When we compared the influence of different inclusion levels of KH2PO4 on protein gain%, we found that there were increased in PG% at 0.05% (2.60%), 0.10% (9.79%), 0.15% (20.74%), 0.20% (32.99%) and 0.25% (40.00%) as compared to control 0.0% KH2PO4. These finding agree with the studies of Baig et al (2002); Xu and Yun (2003); Xiao et al (2004), Athar et al., 2009 and Ahmad et al., 2010. At these concentrations of 0.05% MgSO4.7H2O, 0.075% CaCl2.2H2O, and 0.25%KH2PO4 maximum SCP was produced. It has been reported that mineral ions play a pivotal role in fungal growth and in their secondary metabolite formations. Chardonnet et al.(1999) found that external Ca2+ can play an indirect role in fungal growth by altering internal Ca2+, which controls the cytoplasmic Ca2+ gradient, and the activity of fungal enzymes involved in cell wall expansion. The direct effect of Ca2+ on the fungal cell wall may also be a significant factor in cell membrane permeability interactions. In contrast, Papagianni (2004) found that increased concentrations of Ca2+ inhibit the synthesis of fungal biopolymers might be due to effect on enzymes such as b-glucan synthesis. For higher CaCl2.2H2O concentrations, the calcium ion content of the cell wall increased, resulting in reduced protein and neutral sugar contents. Mg2+ is also an essential metal ion to all fungi. It act as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions, stabilizes the plasma membrane, and its uptake is ATP dependent. Potassium ion is very import ant for the regulation of osmotic strength and intracellular pH while phosphorus plays an important role in all phases of cellular metabolism (Conn and strumpf,1976; Verchtert, 1990). PO4-3 (phosphate), in the form of K- salt, was added because K+ is required for the absorption of phosphate. On the other hand, when Na2HPO4 and (NH4)2HPO4 were added to bacterial, yeast and fungal cultures, poor growth rates and higher resting oxygen consumption were observed as compared to K fed microbes(Conway and Moore,1954). This could be probably due to the death of fermenting microorganisms caused by reverse osmosis in the presence of higher concentrations of ions. A combination of Ca2+ Mg2+ and K+ ions gave rise to enhanced mycelia growth of A. citrinus in SSF of rice bran. Effect of carbon: nitrogen ratio on SCP production by fermentation with A. citrinus The Carbon to Nitrogen (C/N) ratio is important in a biological process. Microorganisms require a proper nitrogen supplement for metabolism during fermentation. It is a major nutrient for fungal growth. High concentrations of nitrogen have increasing the fungal growth and biomass yield. It is necessary to maintain proper composition of the growth media for efficient fermentation process so that the C:N ratio remains within desired range. Microorganisms generally utilize carbon 25-30 times faster than nitrogen during anaerobic digestion. The C: N ratio of 12:1 produced maximum SCP production (29.91 Ã ± 0.02) by fermentation with A. citrinus (Table. 5). A significant variation (p< 0.05) in the CP% production was observed. We found that there were decrease in the production of CP% when we supplied different C:N ratios of 15:1 (14.91%), 17:1 (0.70%), 19:1 (8.72%), 21:1 (10.76%) and 23:1 (15.84%) as compared to C: N of 12:1. The maximum level of TP% was observed at C: N of 12:1 (29.94% Ã ± 0.04). However, when we compared the effect of different ratios of C:N on TP%, we found that there were decreased in TP% at 15:1 (40.40%), 17:1 (28.72%), 19:1 (36.13%), 21:1 (37.54%) and 23:1 (41.11%) as compared to C: N of 12:1. The highest PG% was observed at C: N of 12:1 (133.33% Ã ± 0.22). When we compared the influence of different ratios of C:N on PG%, we found that there were decreased in PG% at 15:1 (27.16%), 17:1 (1.29%), 19:1 (15.89%), 21:1 (19.63%) and 23:1 (28.86%) as compared to control C: N of 12:1. in agreement with Kiani (1989), Gutierrez et al (2004) and Zheng et al (2005) Rajoka et al., 2004, Athar et al., 2009; Ali et al., 2010 . This could be due to the fact that when C:N was 12:1, maximum production of biomass protein was produced. If the ratio was increased above this level, excess urea was produced which was responsible for the increase in pH and ultimately reduced the production of single cell protein. Replacement of one nitrogen source for another in the medium causes a change in protein synthesis as well as product formation. To explore the influence of nitrogen sources on production of crude protein and RNA, were compared to, urea, and corn steep liquor (which are cheap nitrogen sources) when added to rice polishings medium. The results (Table 1) show that these nitrogen compounds influenced the production of protein productivity and RNA content to varying degrees. Generally, the results confirmed that corn steep liquor, a low-cost by-product of the starch industry, supported the maximum kinetic parameters of crude protein compared to those of other nitrogen compounds. The organism produced lower SCP from sodium nitrate and ammonium nitrate and was attributed to low nitrate reductase activity in the organism. However, the maximum EPS production was achieved when yeast extract was employed as nitro-gen source An appropriate amount of C: N ratio is the key to get maximum yield of SCP.19,20 Urea is a low cost fertilizer and supported maximum SCP production which was in agreement with previous studies.21,22 Effect of supplementation with molasses (10% solution) on SCP production by fermentation with A. citrinus Fermentation was carried out at different concentration of cane molasses (10% solution) to standardize the optimum level of molasses. High levels of SCP formed at 1ml of molasses (10% solution). Further addition of molasses results in decreased SCP production (table. 5). Significant variations (p< 0.05) in the SCP production were observed at 0.0 ml (3.28%), 2 ml (2.78%), 3 ml (7.99%), 4 ml (19.34%), 5 ml (34.20%) and 6 ml (53.90%) as compared to the highest production of SCP at 1 ml of molasses (10% solution). However, when we compared supplementation of different levels of molasses (10% solution) for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 1 ml (3.39%) and 2 ml (0.59%) levels. However, further addition of molasses (10% solution) at 3 ml (4.87%), 4 ml (16.60%), 5 ml (31.97%) and 6 ml (52.33%) decreased the SCP production when we compared these levels with control 0.0 ml molasses (10% solution). A similar trend was observed in true protein% and protein gain%. The maximum level of true protein% was observed at 1 ml of 10% molasses (22.26% Ã ± 0.15). The true protein% of different levels of 10% molasses were observed at 0.0 ml (3.68%), 2 ml (3.14%), 3 ml (8.04%), 4 ml (19.72%), 5 ml (34.54%) and 6 ml (54.08%) as compared to the highest production of SCP at 1 ml of molasses (10% solution). However, when we compared supplementation of different levels of molasses (10% solution) for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 1 ml (3.82%) and 2 ml (0.55%) levels. However, further addition of molasses (10% solution) at 3 ml (4.80%), 4 ml (16.65%), 5 ml (32.04%) and 6 ml (52.33%) decreased the SCP production when we compared these levels with control 0.0 ml molasses (10% solution). The highest protein gain% was observed at 1 ml of 10% molasses (147.32% Ã ± 0.86). The PG% of different levels of 10% molasses were observed at 0.0 ml (5.73%), 2 ml (4.87%), 3 ml (13.94%), 4 ml (33.77%), 5 ml (59.66%) and 6 ml (94.01%) as compared to the highest production of SCP at 1 ml of molasses (10% solution). However, when we compared supplementation of different levels of molasses (10% solution) for SCP production, we found that there were increased in production of SCP at 1 ml (6.08%) and 2 ml (0.93%) levels. However, further addition of molasses (10% solution) at 3 ml (8.71%), 4 ml (29.74%), 5 ml (57.2%) and 6 ml (93.65%) decreased the SCP production when we compared these levels with control 0.0 ml molasses (10% solution). Flasks experiments using molasses and sucrose for enzyme production showed a pH increase during the fermentation. High pH affects the enzyme stability. Consumption of sucrose or glucose as carbon source is not cost-effective in the production of microbial biomass protein. Low cost substrates such as cane molasses can be used for the production of microbial biomass protein for animal feed supplements.23,24 In addition, molasses is widely available from the sugar industry and consist of water, sucrose (47-50%, w/w) which is the disaccharide most easily exploited by yeast cells. It also contain 0.5-1% nitrogen, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, organic acids and heavy metals.25 Therefore, it is a very attractive carbon source for SCP production economically. In this study, molasses were added to the fermentation medium to enhance the SCP production. Among different concentrations of molasses, 1 and 2 ml molasses gave higher SCP production by fermentation with Arachniotus sp. and C. utili s, respectively (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7). The results of our experiment were agreed with the previous studies.17, 26 The present results showed the potential of Arachniotus sp. and C. utilis to grow on cheap substrates like rice bran along with molasses for SCP production. Effect of Yeast Sludge Significant variation (p< 0.05) of SCP production was observed at different yeast sludge levels. Maximum production was observed at 0.6 ml (Table. 2). Beyond 0.6 ml, the production was significantly reduced. Yeast sludge above 0.6 ml also reduces the SCP production indicating the optimum level of yeast sludge for biomass production for A. citrinus was 0.6 ml. Significant variations (p< 0.05) in the SCP production were observed at 0.0 ml (5.22%), 0.2 ml (3.55%), 0.4 ml (1.79%), 0.8 ml (8.09%), 1.0 ml (15.32%) and 1.2 ml (22.04%) as compared to the highest production of SCP at 0.6 ml of YS. Ho
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ethics in public ad Essay
Since the 1970s there has been a great deal of change associated with the implementation of administrative ethics. These changes have been promoted and motivated by the concept of public administration in the new era. An important position is given to the concept of ethical issues in todayââ¬â¢s civil governance. There has been a great deal of research associated with this concept which has been supported by translation of evidences and theories into practice across different continents. Frederickson and Ghere (2005) address both the managerial and individual/moral dimensions of ethical behavior as well as new challenges to administrative ethics posed by globalization. As promoted by Cooper (2001) ethics in public administration is not a transient concept but has proven to be an approach which has shown a great deal of sustainability which is fundamental to the area of public administration. Public administration has certain issues with regard to ethics implementation and finds it troublesome to come to terms with them. One reason for this is because ethics is embedded in an intellectual framework. This framework is based on stable institutional as well as role relationship levels, among both public employees as well as the organization. According to the views of a number of researchers (Bang and Sorensen, 1999; Keast et al., 2004; Rhodes, 1996; Sorensen, 2002, 2006; Sorensen and Torfing, 2004; Stoker, 1998), current government perspectives believe that clarity and stability at these levels would be problematic. Despite the increasing number of studies that have focused on the importance of administrative ethics, there has been very little effort spent on identifying what is exactly the crux of ethics in administration (Cooper, 2004). This lack of directed research in the dynamics of operations with regards to ethics in public administration along with constant changes in the principles and policies associated with administrative ethics need to be examined. These developments have raised new topics for concern in this field. One example which can be cited at this juncture is the emergence of the concept of egovernance which would require the identification of a whole new paradigm of ethics in public administration.
Friday, January 10, 2020
McDonaldââ¬â¢s and Crespianoââ¬â¢s Restaurants Essay
McDonaldââ¬â¢s and KFCââ¬â¢s are two famous restaurants in Doha city. But even though they both serve delicious chicken meals in the same town, they donââ¬â¢t have anything else in common. They have differences in aspects of service speed, mealsââ¬â¢ prices, and types of customers. McDonaldââ¬â¢s serves meals at high speed as the staff who work there use computers in taking orders, radio headsets to communicate, and automatic timers to help with cooking. Unlikely, Crespianoââ¬â¢s is not as quick as McDonaldââ¬â¢s because Crespianoââ¬â¢s staff number is less than McDonaldââ¬â¢s. In addition, Crespianoââ¬â¢s system in taking orders is a manual system, no computers used, there is only one person who works as a cashier and takes orders in handwriting. In terms of mealsââ¬â¢ prices, McDonaldââ¬â¢s meals, are very expensive due to the fact that McDonaldââ¬â¢s serves Pepsi and chips with every meal, while Crespianoââ¬â¢s meals are cheaper as they are served without these extras. However, Crispianoââ¬â¢s offers its customers a free home delivery. Unlike McDonaldââ¬â¢s, Crespianoââ¬â¢s customers are of the local residents who live nearby the restaurant only because there is one main branch of Crispianoââ¬â¢s in the whole city. On the other hand, McDonaldââ¬â¢s has more than one branch all over the city so it serves a bigger number of people and different types of customers. In conclusion, McDonaldââ¬â¢s and Crespianoââ¬â¢s serve delicious meals. While they both have a different style in handling their business, customers have an opportunity to choose which style is preferable for them.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay about The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana - 1494 Words
Legalization of Marijuana Despite late controversy regarding weed or as most professionals call it now medical marijuana, I have a strong opinion regarding given substance. I think marijuana should be legal but Im going to discuss this matter more in my essay. Some topics I would like to discuss would be: should it be legal, is it beneficial for medical purposes, economy, job growth and reducing crime rates. Background Industrial Hemp Plant(ââ¬Å"Hemp, Industrial Hemp fieldâ⬠) For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal. Itââ¬â¢s not a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that itââ¬â¢s been in use. Its known uses go back further than 7,000 B.C. (ââ¬Å"Hemp,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I would like to talk about medical uses of marijuana. As I stated before marijuana has a wide range of clinical applications. Marijuana have been used for medical purposes since the beginning of time. Of all the negative consequences of marijuana prohibition, none is as tragic as the denial of medicinal cannabis to the tens of thousands of patients who could benefit from its therapeutic use. Modern researches suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. Some of them would be: pain relief -particularly of neuropathic pain, nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders, it also used as powerful appetite stimulants specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. (ââ¬Å"NORML, 2013â⬠) Legalization of marijuana also is going to boost our economy. According to the study, ââ¬Å"Lost Taxes and Other Costs of Marijuana Laws,â⬠by Jon Gettman, the U.S. marijuana is a $113 billion annual business that costs taxpayers $41.8 billion in enforcement costs and lost tax revenues(ââ¬Å"Gettman, 2007â⬠). AlterNet reporting that taxpayers are spending more than $1 billion annually to imprison pot offenders(ââ¬Å"Paul, 2007â⬠). So if we legalize pot we can save that billion. Colorado Economy Journal writing that Colorado Amendment 64 created over $60 millions in savings and taxes (ââ¬Å"Hazlehursr, 2012â⬠). The State of Colorado collected $5 million in sales tax from medical marijuana businesses in 2012, moreShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1631 Words à |à 6 PagesMarijuana is a naturally grown plant that has beneficial properties and the ability to create textiles, paper products, and other goods. Marijuana is currently illegal in ma ny states in the United States. The legalization of Marijuana will produce enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, give us a renewable resource, and give sick and suffering patients a new effective medicine. The legalization of Marijuana in the United States would both benefit the well-being of its citizens as well the economy. TheRead MoreThe Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1068 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana In 2007, the American economy took a downturn known as the recession. People began looking for a quick fix to our nationââ¬â¢s economic problems and one fix may be right in front of us, with the legalization of marijuana. The debate about legalizing marijuana has been going on for the last decade with no end in sight. Politicians, economists, and everyday people cannot come to an agreement over this growing issue. Today economists still converse overRead MoreBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1374 Words à |à 6 PagesBenefits of Legalizing Marijuana Every year, 400,000 Americans die of complications caused by tobacco products. Smoking kills more Americans each year than alcohol, crack, heroin, murder, suicide, car accidents, fires, and AIDS all put together. Every week, eight children under the age of eighteen die from alcohol related crashes. Alcohol abuse contributes to almost 50% of all traffic accidents, suicides, and homicides. However, despite the proven dangers of these socially acceptable drugsRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1006 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been a very conversational argumentative issue in the American society; moreover in the American politics today. There are many good arguments on why Marijuana should be Legalize and my argument is based on facts and supporting details to prove why Marijuana should be legalize. The Legalization of Marijuana would be profitable to our government and economy, according to Evan Wood who is the founder of the Inte rnational Centre for Science in Drug Policy; The URead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1475 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe marijuana prohibition. That is more money than the war on drugs spent on all types of drugs three years before (Hardy). Why is our government focusing on a drug that can be called merely harmless to those who use it? Why is this drug getting more money spent on it than drugs that are highly addictive and life threatening? Marijuana is not as dangerous as people may want it to seem, but there are some negative effects that come with this drugââ¬â¢s legalization. The legalization of marijuana can provideRead MoreThe Potential Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay1152 Words à |à 5 Pages Legalizing marijuana is a concept that can potentially benefit the public as well as the local economies. There has been a nationwide debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. The major consensus is that marijuana is not only bad for oneââ¬â¢s health, but it is also dangerous to the community. These allegations are not true. Marijuana actually has health benefits that most people overlook. It is important to understand the many issues of legalizing marijuana in order to better understandRead MoreEssay about The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1144 Words à |à 5 Pagesà à à à à Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states, legalizing medical marijuana many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and more that 20 million smoked it last year. So it isRead MoreBenefits Of Legalizing Medical Marijuana1076 Words à |à 5 Pagesof life incorporated cannabis of some form. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug made from the cannabis plant. It is sometimes used as a recreational drug by a few individuals, medical ailments and for spiritual purposes as well. The key element in marijuana is the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This psychoactive component is found in the leaves of the plant (Ethan B Russo, 2013). This essay will demonstrates the advantages of legalising medical marijuana such as treatment for pain relief, nauseaRead MoreEssay about Benefits and Drawbacks of Legalizing Marijuana1177 Words à |à 5 Pageswith harder drugs as cocaine and heroin, marijuana, also named as cannabis or hemp, is considered as a soft drug with less addiction and harm. In t he 19th century, it was one of the most important crops in the American continent to the common wealth (Newton, 2013, p.32), but it has been banned to grow in most countries since the 20th century (Newton, 2013, p.45). Given the clamour for ââ¬Å"decriminalizationâ⬠of the personal possession of small amounts of marijuana is growing (Single, 2013, p.456) and theRead More The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1710 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the
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